Free 15 minute discovery call, please call or email Nadine your information and availability. Please allow 24 hours for a response.
2 hours
in-person initial consultation
You'll leave with:
A personalized health improvement plan will be created for you.
Suggestions for exercises and a stress-reduction program to suit your condition will be provided.
You will receive personalized health, lifestyle and dietary guidance, as well as material relevant to your condition and needs.
Nutritional guidance consultation.
The initial consultation, done in person or via video conference will take 2 hours. You will be provided with various materials geared to educate you about the new path you are taking, and will include a dietary and lifestyle protocol for you to follow. In some cases, various home remedies or supplements will also be recommended.
Each consultation will address your special needs, i.e., whether you want to lose weight, treat fertility issues or maintain your health. Also addressed will be diabetes or disease prevention.
The aim of the consultation will be to provide you with a basic theory of nutrition that will help you in making future food choices and lifestyle decisions.
Also, during the session, Nadine will use tools acquired through her knowledge of Oriental medicine – such as visual diagnosis – to assess your present condition and dietary needs.
The goal is for you to leave the session with a clearer understanding on how to kick-start a long-term change in your diet and lifestyle.
Initial Session Request
One 30 min follow-up video conference or phone call included
Many people have asked: “What is ongoing nutrition Guidance?” Ongoing Nutrition guidance is an additional component of nutrition counseling. Once education, meal planning and the understanding of ones condition has been understood and a treatment plan has been established, the next step is to monitor nutritional intake and condition evolution in an effort to identify potential areas for improvement. This is another way that Nadine can provide the best continued help and guidance for your optimal health and goals.
Duration: 1 month
1 Nutritional Guidance Session
4 Cooking Classes
Each class: 90 minutes
Designed for those with limited time and a busy schedule, this program includes the nutritional guidance consultation and four cooking classes over the period of one month.
Each cooking class is 1.5 hours and will focus on making healthy improvements to the foods you like and already cook.
According to biologists, in 10 days you can improve the quality of your white blood cells if you make healthier food choices. For example, adding green leafy greens to your daily diet activates the blood and thereby affects the entire body mechanism.
Furthermore, it takes 120 days to completely change the quality of your blood stream. This means that within that frame of time of better eating, you can reverse whatever symptoms or health problems you might have.
Hence, small daily dietary changes made over a period of time can make a big difference in your general physical and mental health.
The one-month Kick-Start program can take you in a new healthier direction and inspire you to make those changes.
Initial consultation required before beginning One Month Kick-Start Plan
"The Kickstart" Package Request
Duration: 3 months
6 Sessions
Each session: 90 minutes
The “Alignment” package includes 3 months of nutrition counseling, meal planning and teaching you how to cook to improve your daily diet or current health condition.
The journey will begin with an in-depth assessment of what your needs are before Nadine works on a customized plan to meet such goals. This can be done in the Los Angeles office or virtually.
If you want to cook for yourself, great, but if you travel or decide to take time off from cooking, Nadine can recommend take out meals from pre-approved stores or restaurants within your area.
The Alignment package is great for those interested in long term change to improve both their diet and lifestyle.
With 6 sessions designed to address the core issues of your problems, Nadine will also focus on the emotional and lifestyle concerns hindering your progress.
The Package includes:
Request "Alignment Package"
1 Session or more upon request
Each session: 2.5 hours
Take the next step with a personalized cooking class with Nadine in the comfort of your own home.
Interested in learning how to cook a more balanced diet? Perhaps to regain your health, lose weight, acquire better energy, vitality or a deep sense of well-being?
In this program designed around a 2 ½ hours class, Nadine will introduce a couple of dishes suited to your needs, demonstrate the benefits of whole food cooking and share useful and practical information.
Nadine’s cooking classes are backed by sound science and Asian wisdom and offer much more than the average cooking class. They are designed for those of you interested in making beneficial changes and improvements to your dietary and lifestyle habits.
Most important, after a few cooking classes you will feel more confident in the kitchen – especially when tackling a different diet orientation. Nadine will also share common sense tips on beauty, exercises and special remedies without preaching, preservatives or pretense.
Should you have a personal chef or someone cooking for you, Nadine can introduce that person to this different culinary approach and diet.
Cooking Class Request
1 month menu plan
Following your initial consultation, Nadine can design a 7-days menu plan to fit your specific dietary recommendations.
This menu plan will include easy to follow recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as permissible snacks and desserts for your special dietary plan.
Such a menu template will have a good rotation of foods to support the goals you are trying to achieve and can be updated over the course of one month as your condition changes. And of course, you will continue to have access to Nadine for questions, adjustments to the menu or further education.
Menu Planning Request
1 Week or more upon request
Pricing upon request
Nadine’s services offer convenient drop-off meals 3 times a week for those with little time to cook or needing a break.
I can help you with a tailored menu program that comes to you for your dietary needs and wellness.
Meals are delivered to you 3 times a week or as desired with breakfast, lunch and dinner all ready to go.
Meal Drop Off Service Pricing Request.
1 Shopping Trip or more upon request
Trip Duration: 1.5 hours
Do you often find yourself wandering the grocery store aisles, unsure of what to buy?
If the answer is "Yes", then I can help. I love shopping – food shopping – and nothing delights me more than taking you on a stress-free grocery trip. I'll show you my favorite healthy items and help you stock-up for the week.
Shopping Trip Request.